Business woman using a tablet device with colleagues in the office

Helping businesses make faster, smarter decisions

73% of Group revenue is accounted for by Business-to-Business segment

We do this by transforming data into information, by transforming information into insight through our advanced analytics, and by enabling businesses to swiftly act on their decisions through our software and platforms.

The value we deliver businesses continues to expand. We help them:

Offer seamless customer journeys

Automate and improve speed of processes and ease of use

Access new data sets and sophisticated analytics and software

Greater competitive advantage and reduced costs

Maximise value of their own data sets

Navigate uncertainty and survive industry transformation

Reduce fraud

Understand and manage risk effectively through recession

We organise our B2B activities into two areas:


Large, powerful data sets with ever-expanding use cases


The sophisticated analytics and platforms that bring data to life


We help provide businesses with the information they need to develop relationships with their customers, to grow their businesses and to manage the risks associated with offering credit. Our large and comprehensive databases contain vast amounts of information, including the credit activity and repayment histories of millions of consumers and businesses. We collect, sort, aggregate and transform data from tens of thousands of sources to provide a range of information services.

We provide businesses with

  • High-quality and accurate data on which to base their decisions
  • Data from many sources that they can use for many different purposes that helps them make impartial credit decisions, broaden access to credit, and promote fair and responsible lending
  • A comprehensive view of a consumer’s financial situation 
  • Marketing data to help them understand their customers better and serve them with tailored products 
  • Data security and privacy

Who do we support?

  • Banks
  • Automotive dealers
  • Retailers 
  • Telecommunication companies 

How do we generate revenue?

  • Primarily transactional 
  • Some contribution from licence fees 

Our extensive data assets are the foundation of our business


of group revenue accounted for by data


consumer credit history records


business credit history records


We create and develop predictive tools, sophisticated software and platforms. These help organisations manage and automate large volumes of decisions and processes, improving the consistency and quality of their decisions. Our industry specialists and data scientists work with clients to help them find the best solutions for their needs.

We provide businesses with

  • Faster, frictionless and more personalised digital interactions
  • Relevant insights into new and existing customers to support more effective engagement
  • Solutions to help them assess creditworthiness, suitability and affordability of loans 
  • Identification of customers and fraud preventions 
  • Help in meeting their own compliance and regulatory requirements

Who do we support?

  • Financial services
  • Retail
  • U.S. healthcare
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Fintech 

How do we generate revenue?

  • Software and system sales: consultancy and implementation fees, recurring licence fees, and transactional charges 
  • Credit scores: sold on a transactional, volume-tiered basis 
  • Analytics: a mix of consultancy and professional fees, as well as transactional revenues 

Analytics is what makes data come alive


decisioning accounts for 21% of group revenue


technologists and product developers at Experian


credit decisions facilitated FY23

Business-to-Business revenue by region FY23

Regional revenue split US$m ₁


North America

Latin America

UK and Ireland

EMEA/Asia Pacific 















₁ Revenue from ongoing activities.

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