Director Shares held in 
Experian plc 
31 March 2023(1)
Mike Rogers 15,287
Executive directors  
Brian Cassin(2) 725,898
Lloyd Pitchford(2) 403,725
Craig Boundy(2) 215,487
Non-executive directors  
Alison Brittain 7,500
Kathleen DeRose 2,300
Caroline Donahue 10,000
Luiz Fleury 9,650
Jonathan Howell 8,000
Esther Lee 0
Louise Pentland 0


1. For regulatory purposes, as at 16 May 2023, there had been no changes in the above interests.

2. The number of Experian shares held by Brian Cassin, Lloyd Pitchford and Craig Boundy at 31 March 2023 included 105,247, 64,973 and 65,842 invested shares in the Experian Co-investment Plan respectively.